Friday, July 15, 2011

Sólo algunas reflexiones

I just had some thoughts occur to me while perpetually on a bus heading somewhere besides Escazú. As we sat on the bus from San Antonio de Escazú to Escazú Centro I noticed that all the people sitting on the bus were quite, even when speaking to one another. There were no loud stereos, no obnoxious loud people talking to themselves or asking you for money. Everyone was orderly despite the usual crazy bus ride that pretty much always guarantees a head jerk due to the bus driver pulling out in front of traffic then realizing he can’t make it and slamming on the breaks.  Even before this while the gardner, Miguel was just doing the usual upkeep within the time gated community (5 houses, 3 of which are occupied) in which we live. Even though it's technically not in his job, he offered to put up a hammock in our adjacent yard area. We were ecstatic! We also have a hammock chair that Erin had left here. We asked him to put up this hammock chair as well. He was very eager and willing and seemed to easily attach it to the trees with wire. Miguel and the other gardeners even gave us a new door with keys. It’s amazing how nice some people are here. This makes me consider the United States. It reminds me of basically what I’ve been taught in MBA (to be an ethical person in business). I think Miguel will never be rewarded (monetarily) because he has helped the very limited speaking Gringas with some things around the house because we will not be able to tell the Spanish speaking land lady how kind he was. He simply did these kind acts because he is like most of these people. Hopefully, we will learn more Spanish to eventually sincerely thank him (and maybe ask for some more household help). The Ticos are polite and benevolent people who sometimes do very considerate actions for you that mean so much. Another instance is a friend we met in Puerto Viejo. He not only gave us a 4 hour ride home from Puerto Viejo, but also, let us do our laundry at his home less than a week later. 

I compare my experiences much to the States because it’s all I’ve really ever known (and a 6 month stay in Australia which is very similar to the U.S.).  I do not think I will experience such caring people like this anywhere else. And I also think how ironic it is to go to MBA classes to learn something which you already should know and not have to learn how to become- if that is even possible. Though things are not always organized and efficient, this place is a nice refreshment of how amazing occurrences can come from nothing at all.

P.S. ¡Feliz Cumpleaños a mi madre! ¡Besitos y abrazos!

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